Malevich – Woman Torso

Artist Wikipedia

kazimir-malevich_8-tKazimir Severinovich Malevich (February 23, 1878 – May 15, 1935) was a Russian painter and art theoretician. He was a pioneer of geometric abstract art and the originator of the avant-garde Suprematist movement. 

In 1915, Malevich laid down the foundations of Suprematism when he published his manifesto, From Cubism to Suprematism. 

In his later writings, Malevich defined the “additional element” as the quality of any new visual environment bringing about a change in perception… In a series of diagrams illustrating the “environments” that influence various painterly styles, the Suprematist is associated with a series of aerial views rendering the familiar landscape into an abstraction… (excerpted from Bekman Chadaga’s paper delivered at Columbia University’s 2000 symposium, “Art, Technology, and Modernity in Russia and Eastern Europe”)


Woman Torso

Woman Torso (1932) – Kazimir Malevich

Although this is not one of his more popular artworks, it captivated me and I knew I had to share it. This piece was created in the suprematism style, oil on wood and it’s dimensions are 58 x 48 cm. Malevich died at the age of 57 from lung cancer and had completed Woman Torso only 3 years before.

Since his death, Malevich’s legacy has continued to grow, His geometric shapes and complex compositions are now regarded as masterpieces of Russian art.


Malevich’s Signature



To read more on Malevich and see his art visit these pages…


My Thoughts On This Piece

Knowing that he died from lung cancer my assumption is that the one part of the torso has a “lung” and not the other, but this is far fetched as he might not have been ill at the time this piece was completed.

So my conclusion and personal feelings are that this piece is to convey the feeling of incompleteness and lack in a world full of life and colour.


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